Rúbrica _ Sol Hernández
Narracion The castle is celebrating the birth of the daughter of the Kings. Hada 1 ( MIA) : My dear princess... My gift to you will be the gift of respect (se acerca a la cuna y toca la nariz de la bebe) Hada 2( CAROLINITA) : Dear Aurora. I give you the gift of responsibility (se acerca y acaricia su cabello) Maléfica : ¿ I interrupt ? ( Mira a su alrededor y ve las caras asustadas de las personas. Entonces sonríe. ) Wow… I also wanted to give the princess a gift… ( Se acerca a la cuna sin que nadie pueda detenerla ). You will be beautiful and you will grow... But at 16, you will prick yourself with the spindle of a spinning wheel, only a true love kiss will make you wake up (levanta sus brazos hechiza a la niña y desaparece) naracion HOWEVER, MALEFICA DID NOT TURN OUT TO BE AS BAD AS WE THINK, BECAUSE THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE CHILDREN OF AURORA, HE WAS ALWAYS THERE TO TAKE CARE OF HER (SIN EMBARGO MALEFICA NO RESULTO SER TAN MALA COMO PENSAMOS , PORQUE DURANTE TODA...